Luisa Di Donato (alias “Isa Dido”) graduated in jazz electric bass at Conservatory is Salerno with Sandro Deidda and Dario Deidda.
She studied harmony and electric bass with many different teachers: Lello Somma, Dario Deidda, Luca Pirozzi, Gianluigi Goglia and others.
She has partecipated to various masterclasses with Rita Marcotulli, Paolo Costa, Barry Harris, Emmet Cohen, Jerry Weldon and others.
Now she teaches electric bass and music theory in different private schools and privately.
She plays different kinds of music (jazz, pop, progressive rock and so on) in several bands.
She played with Sophya Baccini's Aradia, Maurizio Casagrande, Diego Sanches - Massimo Ranieri’s Official Tribute Band, Diego Perris, Antonello Cuomo - Venditti Tribute Band.
Recorded the bass for the records “Quando l’amore diventa poesia” with Diego Perris et al end “Marc Bolan & David Bowie: a Tribute to The Madmen” with Sophya Baccini’s Aradia - Ed. Black Widow.