Italian bassist, double bassist and arranger. Graduated from Conservatorio E. Dall’Abaco (Verona, Italy) in 2000.At a very young age, he started working with Paolo Belli’s big band as bassist and arranger in important Italian TV shows: “Ballando con ..
Luisa Di Donato (alias “Isa Dido”) graduated in jazz electric bass at
Conservatory is Salerno with Sandro Deidda and Dario Deidda.
She studied harmony and electric bass with many different teachers: Lello
Somma, Dario Deidda, Luca..
Classe 1982, Andrea Torresani è nato a Milano e ha iniziato a studiare
musica quando aveva solamente 6 anni, imparando a suonare il pianoforte.
A 16 anni si è avvicinato al basso elettrico, che è lo strumento che
ancora oggi lo accompagna sul palc..
Marco Panascia (prononunced: pana-SEE-ah) is an Italian-born bassist, composer and educator living in New York City.His proficiency in many different musical situations and settings, and his strong doubling skills on the acoustic and the electric bas..
Considered to be one of the most significant Italian guitar players in rock and instrumental music, Guitar Techniques described Gianni Rojatti as a “great player and can stand proudly alongside the likes of Satriani, Holdsworth and Vai but whilst the..
Hello, my name is Martin Miller, I’m professional guitar player from Germany.For my whole life I’ve been surrounded with music and decided to pick up the guitar sometime during elementary school. During my late teens I decided to get serious about th..
Alessio Menconi nasce a Genova e si avvicina alla musica all’ età di 8 anni studiando la batteria, che abbandona due anni dopo per dedicarsi da autodidatta allo studio della chitarra. A 16 anni intraprende l’attività’ professionale e, considerato un ..
Immersed in the world of music since I was a teenager, I studied classical piano. I have always been attracted to low frequencies that eventually brought me to become a self-taught bass guitar player. I then partecipated in technical and theoretical ..
Fabrizio”Bicio”(pronounce:bee-chow)Leo, was born in Abbiategrasso, about 20km south of Milan, Italy on 7/28/1971. He began playing guitar by himself at sixteen, focusing his passion and practicing on rock/fusion genre, inspired by didactic videos fro..
Discography: Shel Shapiro – Backstage – Il Grande Sogno (CD, Album) Five Record 1991 Riccardo Cocciante – L’instant Présent Tristar Music (France) 1995 L’instant Présent (CD, Album) Musicor 1995 L’instant Présent (CD, Album) Tristar Music (France) 19..
Born in Rome, Italy, my first approach to music was at the age of ten when I started studying piano, graduating in music theory at the Conservatory of Rome. At the age of sixteen I started studying electric and double bass in academies in Rome (Synth..
Born in Atri, Italy on November 18, 1981, Michelangelo began studying grand piano at the age of seven and, at fourteen, moved to electric bass. In 2003, he received his diploma in music, specializing in jazz bass, from the Accademia Musicale of Pesca..
Ignazio di Salvo was born in Agrigento, Italy, on the 10th of December 1985. At the age of 9 he began to study classical guitar at the Conservatory, getting a five year Diploma with Master Francesco Buzzurro. At the age of 16 he composed his first in..
Mattia Bigi,nato a Bologna,bassista professionista,musicista autodidatta,iscritto alla SIAE come autore di musica e parte letteraria.Cresciuto stilisticamente in ambiti prevalentemente rock,ha lavorato negli anni in svariati generi musicali. Ha suona..
Andrea Morelli started his musical career in the 1990s with fusion-oriented bands. After that he moved into the pop music world, collaborating both live and in the studio with singer-songwriter Marcello Pieri. In 1993 he joined the band BluesMobile, ..
Bass player, multi-instrumentalist, singer and artistic producer, already as a child he began to
show an irrepressible passion for music, and for entertainment in general, starting to strum any
object that produced a sound.
Composer from an early a..
Domenico Cacciatore is born in 1981 at Santo Stefano Quisquina (Agrigento).Bass player and composer has more than 20 years of live performances that he has been involved, since the mid-90s, in various types and formations that led him to collaborate,..
He was born in 1971 in Campagna (SA), in a family of musicians. He starts to study music since he was a child. The accordion is his first instrument. Also the study of the piano will affect his growth as musician. After he switched to electric bass w..
Kenmi Chank, was born in Hokkaido. Began playing the guitar at the age of 16. After graduating from the music school, he moved to Toronto, Canada and actively participates in recordings, gigs and tours with musicians in various fields. Based on Blues..